2. Choose Magnet Stock (Mil equals the magnet thickness)
Your Photo and Logo:
 If you've ordered before, we keep your photo and logo on file. If you want to update your file, please send new artwork to artwork@clmarketing.com with you full name in the subject line.

3. Photo
4. Logo
5. How would you like your name printed?
6. Contact Information - up to 4 lines (i.e. Phone Number(s), E-mail Address, Designations, etc.)
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
|  |
7. Your Company information
8. Disclaimer(s) to be printed on magnet (Check only the boxes beside the disclaimer(s) you would like printed on the magnet.)
Not intended to solicit currently listed properties.
Each office independently owned and operated.
and/or enter your custom disclaimer here